After the fall of the Iron Curtain, the Baltic Sea Region became one of the most interlinked regions in Europe. Not just new ferry lines, bridges and tunnels connected the bordering countries, also parliaments and governments established strong transnational collaboration.
In 2019 youth movements are on the rise. Worldwide young activists demonstrate and strike for a better future – for the climate, human rights and gender equality. What do young people around the Baltic Sea find most important?
Come and hear from Baltic Sea decision-makers what they learn from young people’s activism. How do they incorporate it into their work and how do they empower future region-builders and decision-makers and involve them in the policy-making mechanisms? Join us for an inspiring and lively discussion!
Tomas Jakutavičius, Chairman of the Lithuanian Trade Union Confederation Youth Sector
Eglė Kuktoraitė, Communication Coordinator at the Lithuanian National LGBT rights organization LGL
Christopher Lucht, Youth Coordinator for Baltic Sea States Subregional Cooperation (BSSSC)
Aline Mayr, CBSS Youth Platform Initiator
Joanna Wojtkowska, Polish National Coordinator EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (tbc)
Johannes Schraps, Head of Delegation of the German Bundestag at the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference
Simon Stermann, Representative in the Committee of Senior Officials of the CBSS, German Federal Foreign Office
Christin Skiera, Forum Northern European Politics
When? 16th of October 2019, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Where? Innospace in the Betahaus Berlin Kreuzberg, Rudi-Dutschke-Straße 23, 10969 Berlin
The event will be held in English. Please register here:

The Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) is an overall political forum for regional cooperation consisting of the 11 countries surrounding the Baltic Sea. The CBSS functions as a coordinator of a multitude of regional actors in the areas of its three long-term priorities: Regional Identity, Sustainable & Prosperous Region, Safe & Secure Region.

The Forum Northern European Politics (FOR:N) is an expert network on Northern Europe and the Baltic Sea Region. We observe and analyse recent societal, political and economic developments in the region from different thematic and professional perspectives. We give regional actors a platform to exchange ideas.
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